Douglas Adams on The New

Khoi Vin: Douglas Adams, in his book “The Salmon of Doubt,” wrote that “I’ve come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies.” The rules are: Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. ... Read more

Davide Barranca’s ‘Decomposing Sharpening’

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I’ve been dabbling in the Dan Margulis’s Picture Postcard Workflow since serendipity landed me in Dan’s session at Photoshop World Boston in 2006. Dan’s methods and his teaching style are unique in their depth, usefulness, and results. They’re not easy to pick up casually, though. Davide Barranca posted this on Dan’s Color Theory Yahoo Group, ... Read more

Free National Park iPhone Apps

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I love National Parks, and I like what my iPhone makes possible. This is a nice freebie. TUAW: Chimani National Park Guides free for iPhone until April 24 The Chimani Guides are really first rate apps at US$4.99 – $9.99, but in celebration of National Park Week, they are free from now until April 24. ... Read more

Online Medical Advice Can Be a Prescription for Fear –

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The gist: avoid the drug-company financed, poorly written, overly hysterical WebMD for the sound information at the Mayo Clinic’s excellent site, including their Symptom Checker. If you’re looking for the name of a new pill to “ask your doctor about,” as the ads say, the Mayo Clinic Health Information site is not the place for … Read more

Walter Murch: 3D Will Never Work – Roger Ebert

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In Why 3D doesn’t work and never will. Case closed, Roger Ebert prints a letter from Walter Murch explaining why 3D cinema doesn’t work. I’m not a fan, but I can’t say I’m convinced Murch will convince the studios and manufacturers. I believe (non-paying) customers will, though.

Top 10 iTunes Smart Playlists| Lifehacker

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Here’s one of the catch-up posts – one of the oldest drafts in the bucket. I saved this Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 iTunes Smart Playlists link back in February of 2008. So, it’s old but the ideas are good ones. I have much too much music that I haven’t heard in too long, and … Read more

First wave of PubCampGa Photos

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Search for #PubCampGA on flickr to find’em. I’ve already met several people in public broadcasting from Georgia and Alabama, educators from around Georgia, and some students. I look forward to meeting more people from different backgrounds. Crossposted at DV for Teachers

Ask H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts

Ask H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts Is there a way to know what fonts will work together? Building a palette is an intuitive process, but expanding a typographic duet to three, four, or even five voices can be daunting. Here are four tips for navigating the typographic ocean, all built around H&FJ's Highly Scientific … Read more

Dabbling in jQuery

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I am going to install an automatic rotating photo header slide show on both my blogs with jQuery. (At some point.) I found this tutorial for doing dynamic jQuery headers yesterday, and this morning my aggregator came up with this more basic tutorial. I’ve been playing with jQuery slide shows – here’s a sample. To … Read more