Links to 60 Photoshop Tutorials

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Via, 60 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials – Top Web Resources. I love Photoshop tutorials. The more I learn about Photoshop the more I love it.

Insider tips for Paris museums and monuments: This French Life

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How I would love to have the chance to follow these tips from This French Life and spend more time in museums in Paris, or just more time in Paris, or even more time to just think about more time in Paris. VISITING Paris museums and monuments are the things you most want to do … Read more

Absorbing Photoshop World

It’s shortly before the post-lunch session on day 3 of the conference. I have learned a lot, have a book of workshop handouts as bigg as a phone book, and there’s much more to come. Among the important things I’ve learned here: shoot a lot; shoot RAW if possible, thought JPEG isn’t filthy awful rotten … Read more