Garrison Keillor: Confessions of a Listener

AlterNet: Confessions of a Listener “When the iPod steals the last of Clear Channel’s audience, the crazy, quirky and beautiful will return to radio—and Garrison Keillor will welcome them.” This is just juicy good.

Radical Georgia Moderate – Hidden provision in Voter ID bill

Radical Georgia Moderate – Hidden provision in Voter ID bill “So, bravo to the Republicans for once again out-thinking the Democrats.” How did they out-think them, and on what issue? They made it harder for folks to vote in runoff elections. Follow the link to the Radical Georgia Moderate for more details.

New York Times Magazine: The Unregulated Offensive

Jeffrey Rosen in The New York Times Magazine: The Unregulated Offensive As Epstein sees it, all individuals have certain inherent rights and liberties, including ‘’economic’’ liberties, like the right to property and, more crucially, the right to part with it only voluntarily. These rights are violated any time an individual is deprived of his property … Read more

Benefits (

Paul Ford of Ftrain shares some thoughts on health insurance benefits: “What insurance promises is continuity in the face of fate. If you’re uninsured and you get hit by a car, you are basically screwed. While you heal up you’ll have a hard time making a living, and once you’re healed you’ll have an itemized … Read more

John Sayles’ Matewan

At J.D.’s, our group watched Matewan, about the 1920’s effort to organize the coal mines. I can only paraphrase Sayles’ comments in the production notes from the DVD, but the combination of capitalist greed at its most rapacious and a violent leftist populism makes for a powerful and disturbing story. Capitalism brings wealth and benefits … Read more

Danforth: “In The Name Of Politics”

A prominent Republican breaks ideological ranks in a New York Times essay: “The historic principles of the Republican Party offer America its best hope for a prosperous and secure future. Our current fixation on a religious agenda has turned us in the wrong direction. It is time for Republicans to rediscover our roots. John C. ... Read more

Religion of the Rich

Some claim Bush’s politics approach fascism; it’s not, says George Monbiot, it’s Puritanism. Religion of the Rich “The enrichment of the elite and impoverishment of the lower classes requires a justifying ideology if it is to be sustained. In the United States this ideology has to be a religious one. Bush’s government is forced back … Read more

William Gibson returns to blogging. Why? Because the United States currently has, as Jack Womack so succintly puts it, a president who makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln. And because, as the Spanish philospher Unamuno said, “At times, to be silent is to lie.” What he said.