More Moleskine Hacks | 43 Folders

More Moleskine Hacks | 43 Folders

Everytime I pick up a new Moleskine, I’m reminded how much I freaking love these things. I got a fresh one the other day at Flax, so why not mention a few new Moleskine hacks?

I just got my first Moleskine, and I’m working to set up a GTD system with that and with the HPDA to make this new year’s work go more – smoothly? Efficiently? Productively? I don’t know the proper word to put here, but I want my work, my chores at home, my life, to feel less haphazard, based less on distraction and more on planning, less on reaction and more on response. This post covers some ideas from Merlin’s 43Folders for making use of the Moleskine in this system.

Why did I choose a Moleskine? Coolness factor for one reason, and unity for another, and mutability for yet another. It’s adaptable for whatever the user wants to do with it. That’s one of my difficulties now, to figure out how to use it productively. So, for that reason, away from the site now and back to the ToDo list!