First wave of PubCampGa Photos

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Search for #PubCampGA on flickr to find’em. I’ve already met several people in public broadcasting from Georgia and Alabama, educators from around Georgia, and some students. I look forward to meeting more people from different backgrounds. Crossposted at DV for Teachers

Local News

The coffee was extra good for some reason today – maybe the preceding 9.5 hours of sleep helped. Gracie goes briefly to the vet for routine maintenance, I go pick up some newly-dry-mounted artwork at the bro-in-law’s frame shop, and we visit the neighbor who’s in the hospital (she’s just fine. Whew.). Then tonight to … Read more

“Three feast on Buford Highway for $42”

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Three feast on Buford Highway for $42 | Omnivore Atlanta. I am going to eat at this place, and very soon. Close to home, and looks fabulous.

The Advocate: Atlanta Is The Gayest City

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The AJC reports that The Advocate ranks Atlanta as America’s gayest city! This makes me happy. There are several criteria apparently, and as a straight myself, I’m unaware of many of them—but it turns out Atlanta is gayer than San Francisco or New York! I’ll have to tell Tom Price, my Congressman. It should make … Read more